President Message

I am glad to announce that we, at ITM, have designed our institute and its function from the students prospective. The institute had the state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities, buildings, furniture, equipped laboratories, internet, library, hostel, transport and other supporting services.

Keeping in mind the changing trend in the world of economics, industry and technology, we at the institution (ITM) have successfully implemented the integrated syllabus which will cater to the “diverse requirements” of the youth as they step into the real world.

Thus, it is our endeavor to empower the student with education and leadership qualities and prepare them to work in a responsible manner and prove their worth in the industry and shaping the future of the nation.

Life provides may opportunities and if you are awake to them, each opportunity, if taped, will help you lay the foundation of your own life.

T.C. Agrawal
Chairman, ITM, Lucknow.

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